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Learn Mathematics Accounts


Mathematics and accounts are foundational pillars in the realm of knowledge, each offering unique insights and tools essential for navigating the complexities of our modern world. Mathematics, with its diverse branches like arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics, enables us to comprehend numerical relationships, solve intricate problems, and model real-world phenomena. On the other hand, accounts, or accounting, is the language of business, facilitating the recording, analysis, and communication of financial information vital for decision-making, financial planning, and organizational transparency. Together, these disciplines empower individuals with the skills and understanding necessary to thrive in academic, professional, and personal spheres, fostering critical thinking, logical reasoning, and financial literacy.


After this course student will be able to:

  • Master fundamental math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
  • Solve algebraic equations and inequalities.
  • Apply geometric principles in real-world scenarios.
  • Utilize calculus concepts for optimization and rates of change.
  • Interpret statistical data and perform analysis.
  • Create and analyze financial statements.
  • Record financial transactions accurately.
  • Understand budgeting processes.
  • Conduct financial analysis.
  • Prepare tax returns.
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Brief Contents

  • Basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).Algebraic equations and inequalities.
    Geometric principles and shapes.
    Calculus concepts for rates of change.
    Statistical data interpretation.
    Financial statement creation and analysis.
    Accurate financial transaction recording.
    Accounting principles and standards.
    Budgeting processes and analysis.
    Financial performance evaluation.
    Tax preparation principles.
    Critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
    Mathematical modeling.
    Data analysis techniques.
    Financial literacy and decision-making.

Course Project

Participants of the course have to develop a commercial level web application using PHP, MySQL & AJAX. That web application should be deployed to a commercial web server.


  • EVS Certified PHP Web Developer
  • Zend Certified Engineer (ZCE)


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